• Phone.
  • 02 9238 1960
  • Email
  • info@aequitaslitigationfunding.com.au
  • Location
  • Level 57, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000


Top Up Funding ...

Aequitas Litigation Funding is offering litigants the option of “top up funding” or late stage funding to existing l ...

54 New Class Actions ...

The year to 30 June 2022 saw at least 54 new class actions filed, which marked the lowest total since 2017/2018. Clas ...

Litigation Funding o ...

In 2022-23, litigation funders are expected to benefit from a backlog of cases that were postponed during the COVID-19 p ...

Litigation Funding S ...

On 10 December 2022 the commencement of Corporations Amendment (Litigation Funding) Regulations 2022 came into force mak ...

Australian Class Act ...

A record 63 class actions were filed in Australia between 2020 and 2021 according to research published by King & Wood M ...

New Obligations for ...

Any litigation funding scheme entered into on or after 22 August 2020 will be subject to strict new requirements. In par ...

No Case Too Small ...

Commercial litigation funders, also known as litigation finance, litigation funding, or commercial lawsuit funding, is a ...

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